
Shawl Geometry: Conclusion

Three and a half moths of shawl shapes. 16 posts.

That’s a lot of shapes. But the craziest thing is that it’s just the beginning. Seriously.

I’m in the middle of editing a second ebook with 18 more shapes for shawls. Because you can always explore deeper and play more.

So do it. Take these shapes and play! Experiment! Design stuff!

The beginning of the series is here, with links to all the posts.

And if you really loved the blog series. Buy the ebook. Get all the information in one place, and help ensure that I can create more “teachy” blog posts.

Or sign up for the Announce! Announce! list. And be the first to hear about Shawl Geometry II when it becomes available.

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2 Responses

  1. Equette

    I just found this post after searching… and searching for a formula for the pi shawl. WOW!! I’m so glad I did! wish I would have found it sooner. I stayed up most of the night reading through your blog, absolutely amazing… I can’t wait to have some time to try out all the different shapes! I WILL be buying those ebooks asap! Thank you so much for all the time you have spent doing this. I can’t wait to create!!

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