
lace pattern


two sleeves, some yarn, new jewelry, and a shawl

Each Wednesday, I post little snippets about the projects I’m working on.

I spent most of the weekend working on projects that were very much not my secret project – yay! – and that ended up being quite productive.

handknit sweater in progress

Sleeves!!! My purple sweater has two of them. Now I just need to figure out the neckline situation, and I’ll have another sweater.

handspun yarn

I finished a spinning & plying a skein of handspun yarn that has been sitting on my desk for months now – so finishing this feels amazing.

bead crochet braceletes

Back at VK Live in January, I learned how to bead crochet bracelets, but hadn’t learn how to close them. This weekend I learned, and how I have a pile of new jewelry! What’s not to love about that?

lace shawl

And finally, I took photos for a new shawl pattern. (Was the last shawl I finished, really Rosmerta?)

The design is a circular shawl, with a pretty complex, geometric, lace pattern – though I think my favorite part is probably the sun at the center.

lace shawl

I’m at the final stages of pattern editing, I think it came out beautifully, and I couldn’t wait to share some of the photos – so these are some of the outtakes that probably won’t find their way into the final pattern.

The yarn is Toil & Trouble’s merino/silk lace weight, two strands of yarn held together throughout the shawl, and knit on US #5 (3.75mm) needles. The colors are “Smoke Signals” (the light grey) and “Apollo” (the beautiful yellow/orange.)
PS! if you’re in the Boston area, Ana (the proprietress of Toil & Trouble yarns) just opened a new yarn shop in Salem – called Circle of Stitches. The grand opening is this weekend – March 7th, so stop by, say “hi,” and squish some yarn. Here’s the link to their website with the shop hours & address.

lace shawl


my handspun sweater is done, and my winter coat will soon have pockets

Each Wednesday, I post little snippets about what’s happening, and what I’m working on.


I knit the last couple rows and bound off the shawl I was working on, now it’s sitting next to the couch waiting for a good soak & blocking.

weaving in ends

I wove in the ends on my handspun sweater.

ends of yarn

Which was a surprisingly huge number of ends.


For some brainless knitting, I pulled out the pockets of my winter coat again. Funnily enough, before I pulled them out of the project bag, I thought that I had an inch of knitting left on the first pocket, but it turns out I have an inch to knit on the second pocket. I don’t remember knitting that second pocket at all. Maybe it was elves? Or maybe I have a magic appearing pocket?

So, not a heck of a lot of knitting happened this week, it was mostly finishing things up – and working on secret projects.

(Wondering what happened to that project with 1800 yards of thread, from last week? Well, that project is done, the total thread used ended up somewhere north of 3,000 yards – to give that some perspective, we also bought the fabric shop around the corner out of white thread…)


a snowstorm, some knitting, and 1800 yards of thread

Each Wednesday, I post little snippets about what’s happening, and what I’m working on.

snowy fire escape

First off, the obligatory snowy photo. We got a decent amount of snow (more than ended up on the fire escape) – not nearly as much as other people though.

fixing my knitting

My snowstorm project of choice was the shawl I’m working on. Which included dropping down and re-knitting part of it when I didn’t follow my own pattern.

bead crochet bracelet

And more bead crochet bracelets.

empty spools of thread

Prior to the blizzard, over the weekend & into Monday, I was sewing a bunch of gigantic pieced together drops for a theater project. The project has already emptied 7 spools of thread (2 not pictured), for a total of 1800 yards of thread – and it’s not finished yet…