


Easter egg in a bad way?

I’m always working on some project or another, and most weeks I talk about what I’m working on Wednesdays as part of Tami’s WIP Wednesday project. You can see past WIP Wednesdays … right this way.


Yesterday I waxed poetic about color in shawls.

And the other night I started, yet, another one.

Not quite sure how I feel about it. I’m wondering if it’s a bit too Easter egg, in a bad way.


But I think if I come up with the right stitch pattern, and keep changing up the color sequence, it’ll stay away from boring ugly. fingers crossed.



If you’d like more WIP Wednesday posts, from other bloggers, visit Tami’s blog.

spin, spin, spin, wheeeeeeeeee!

I’m always working on some project or another, and most weeks I talk about what I’m working on Wednesdays as part of Tami’s WIP Wednesday project. You can see past WIP Wednesdays … right this way.


I finished up the shawl a couple days ago. Still needs the ends woven in, and blocking, but the knitting is done.


And it still kinda looks like a sea anemone.

But instead of starting another knitting project I picked up an old spinning project.


It’s a loop batt bullseye bump, with merino, corriedale, and angelina in it. It moves from the navy blue on the bottom right, to the lavender, to the marron-ish, then to a blue-grey (you can see a bit peeking out of the center of the ball of fiber.)

Though the giant ball of fiber isn’t super portable, so I’ll probably start a new shawl soon.


If you’d like more WIP Wednesday posts, from other bloggers, visit Tami’s blog.