
July 19, 2017


more spinning, more rewriting, more personal style

Each Wednesday, I post a snapshot of the projects I’m working on, and where my brain is at.

spindle spinning yarn and editing shawl shaping

Summer 10x10 Dress+SoupTee3

I finished the singles for the small spinning project I’m working on. Now they’re resting, and next I’ll just ply them into a simple two-ply yarn. It’s been fantastic to work on a project that’s quick and easy – no big commitment, no over thinking, basically no planning.

This spinning project has been the perfect current counter-balance to editing/rewriting the third book Shawl Geometry Series.

I know that there is an end to this rewriting/editing project, and I know that I’ll find it eventually, but at the moment it feels very far away. (Though maybe that means it’s closer than it appears? Who knows, I’m just rolling with it.)

And over on Who Wears Who…
Today is day 8 of the Summer 10×10 Wardrobe Challenge, and I’ve been loving experimenting with a limited wardrobe again.

The basic premise of a 10×10 Wardrobe Challenge is to create a wardrobe of 10 pieces, that will create (at least) 10 looks, to be worn over 10 days – 10 pieces of clothing, 10 looks, 10 days, it has a beautiful symmetry to it.

Of course this time it’s not a 100% made by me wardrobe, but it’s still an exploration of personal style, and I’m enjoying mixing my handmade pieces with regular store-bought pieces just like I do day to day.

If personal style, and wardrobe challenges are of interest, come over and explore the new blog! I can’t wait for you to see it.