
It’s cold, so I’m knitting some sweaters.

Each Wednesday, I post little snippets about what’s happening, and what I’m working on.

knitted winter coat

I’ve been wearing my winter coat quite successfully. It still needs a zipper, and some pockets, and a lining. Though it’s proving to be rather windproof (especially when I’m wearing layers), so at the moment the zipper is more of a priority than the lining.

Speaking of layers…

gold, brown, blue knitted sweater

I started a new sweater. It’s another allover slipped stitch pattern. This sweater is a top down raglan pullover, using 5 different colors of yarn, which makes for a very hard to photograph project.

purple knitting

And the purple sweater I started last week is progressing. It’s knit from the top down, and I’m through the decreases to the waist, so I’m hoping to start the increases for the hips soon. Then it’s on to sleeve island.

plaid fabric

I pre-washed and ironed the fabric for my first “Archer” button up shirt, and planned to cut the pieces last weekend, but that didn’t happen – hopefully this weekend.

spindle spinning

And because I need a project that has nothing to do with the self-made wardrobe, my spindling kick continues.


Speaking of The Self-Made Wardrobe Project, I posted the 3rd Month Wrap Up over on selfmadewardrobe.com, you can read the post here.

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